1. Do you use latex free sterile surgical gloves as standard sterile PPE in your trust? If no please answer the below
2. How many patient related Latex incidents have been reported in you trust in the last 5 years?
The Trust is unable to provide a breakdown as requested below due to the low numbers associated with the response and the risk of identifying individuals.
The Trust is unable to provide the data for categories where there are less than 5 individuals involved in the question, as the disclosure of data could lead to an individual being identified and/or personal data being disclosed which would breach the Data Protection Act.
a. Of this number please identify location of incident (EG emergency department, Emergency theatre (CEPOD), procedure room or ward) N/A
b. For patients identified please record their admission and treatment diagnosis N/A
3. For each reported incident please identify the level of harm recorded
The Trust is unable to provide a breakdown as requested due to the low numbers associated with the response to question 2 and the risk of identifying individuals.
The Trust is unable to provide the data for categories where there are less than 5 individuals involved in the question, as the disclosure of data could lead to an individual being identified and/or personal data being disclosed which would breach the Data Protection Act.
a. No harm, Low, moderate, severe/death. N/A
b. If moderate or severe please identify the patient length of stay N/A
4. How many RIDDOR reports have been raised in the last 5 years due to Latex Allergy? for any incidents please identify the area of work.
a. Please identify the total time away from work for each incident due to Latex Exposure