1. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening Methodology:
Please provide details on the current methods used by your Trust to screen for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus.
OGTT up to 35+6 weeks and 5 days of home blood glucose monitoring after 36+0 weeks
2. Timing of Screening:
At which gestational week do the majority of pregnant women undergo GDM screening within your Trust?
26 weeks
3. Early Screening for High-Risk Pregnancies:
Do you conduct GDM screening earlier for pregnant women deemed to be at very high risk? If so, please specify the criteria for determining high risk and the gestational week at which such screenings are conducted.
At present, women with GDM in a previous pregnancy and women with a pre-diabetic HbA1c are offered an early OGTT, ideally before 16 weeks gestation.
4. Administration of OGTT:
Who is responsible for administering the OGTT within your Trust? Additionally, where is the OGTT typically conducted (e.g., hospital clinic, community health center)?
MSW in antenatal clinic at each hospital site (x 3)
5. Maternity-Related Risks Recorded in the Trust Risk Log:
Please disclose which maternity-related risks are logged in the Trust's risk register or risk log.
The Trust is unable to provide a response to this question.
6. Bank and agency Spending:
-Please provide bank spend for midwifery staff for the year 2023, by job grade.
-Please provide agency spend for midwifery staff for the year 2023, by job grade.
Bank Registered Nurses/ Midwives - £1,411,722.15
Bank clinical support - £350,813
Bank infrastructure - £18,106.66
Nothing for agency