1. What is the average number of patients per day requiring thickened drinks across all wards?
The Trust is unable to provide this information.
2. What is the average no of thickened drinks provided per patient, per day?
The Trust is unable to provide this information.
3. What are the core options of thickened drinks offered to patients both hot and cold e.g. coffee, tea, orange squash?
At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, the typical hot and cold beverages available (and can be thickened) include hot chocolate, tea and coffee and water, lemon, blackcurrant and orange cordial.
4. Which brand(s) of thickener do you use for thickening fluids?
Thick and East Clear.
Where an intolerance to this is noted/reported, the Trust very occasionally revert to Thick and Easy Original but this is rare/not standard practice.
5. Is thickener bought directly from the manufacturer or via another source e.g. NHS supply chain?
Bought directly from manufacturer.
6. What is the quantity (KG) of thickener purchased in the last 12 months?
The Trust is unable to provide the information requested as this information is commercial in confidence. This information is exempt under section 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), as the information would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of those involved.
Section 43 (2) is a qualified exemption which means the Trust must undertake a public interest test. The Trust has considered the public interest in disclosing this information and while it is in the public interest to disclose information that informs the public of how we spend our money, especially where this relates to the provision of public services, we have determined that the prejudice arising from disclosure outweighs the benefit to the public in this instance.
7. What was the cost of thickener purchased in the last 12 months?
Expenditure £0.00
8. Are purchase of thickeners contracted in any way i.e. by way of a framework or minimum contract period and/or minimum amount required to be purchased? If yes, please provide details.
Yes, included in contract with supplier.
9. If contracted, is any agreement in place for rebates or for a certain amount of product to be supplied free of charge? If yes, please provide details.
Product supplied free of charge as part of pricing agreement related to this contract.
10. If contracted, can you advise the current contract term and when this is due to expire?
Contract extension until 2025.
11. On discharge, do you recommend the same brand you use on inpatient wards to patients for use at home, or give them multiple suggestions for brands of thickener they could use?
Patients are discharged with the thickener they have been using/tolerating on the ward – Thick and Easy Clear.
12. On discharge, would patients generally be prescribed thickener, or would they be expected to buy this (no prescription)?
As part of the TTO/prescribed on discharge, this would be continued on prescription with the GP until no longer require or further assessment and advice from Speech and Language Therapy in the community / patient choice (where there is capacity) to discontinue. Payment for prescription would be dependent on the individuals prescription plan (free /pre paid plan / paid).
13. If prescribed, do you know a rough % of patients who would be eligible for free prescriptions?
The Trust is unable to provide this information.