1. Which CAMHS services are offered? Please list these services.
Generic CAMHS service offered through the THRIVE model – specialist complex care teams, urgent response team and links into primary care through the Primary Mental Health Worker Service. We also provide Menta Health Support Teams from some (but not all) parts of the county.
2. Do you operate a 0-25 service?
Our service is a 0-18th birthday service.
3. Can young people self-refer to CAMHS?
4. Which of the following non-specialist publicly-funded services for young people’s mental health (a) currently exist and/or (b) used to exist within the last decade (please indicate if they currently exist, and if they used to exist if you hold this data):
a. Social prescribing – No
b. Bereavement services - No
c. Peer support - No
d. Mental Health Support Teams – Yes (partial county coverage but not all)
e. School counsellors, mentors, or pastoral or key support workers - No
f. Educational psychologists - No
g. Youth groups - No
h. Wellbeing cafes or mental health drop-in services - No
i. Youth information, advice and counselling services (YIACS) / early support hubs - No
j. Advice line for mental health issues - No
k. Targeted service(s) for LGBTQ+ young people - No
l. Targeted service(s) for young people from minority ethnic / racialised communities - No
m. Targeted service(s) for other underserved groups (please list here) - No
n. Targeted service(s) for young people on waiting lists for access to NHS mental health services (formerly tier 3) - Yes
o. Art or music therapy – Art therapy as part of the overall service offer
p. Online support service / app - No
q. Occupational therapy – We employ occupational therapists but as mental health practitioners
r. Any other service (please list here) - Parenting groups (Incredible years)
5. Do any of the following exist (please answer yes or no and elaborate if necessary)?
a. A CAMHS or young people’s mental health partnership board? Yes
- A designated individual or team who coordinates partnership working across services for children and families / settings? No
- Data-sharing infrastructure to share data across services, for example, schools, social care, youth justice, special educational needs teams, etc.? Yes
- Evaluation of young people’s outcomes following engagement with services? Yes
- A young people’s advisory group or official mechanism for young people to feed into service design and improvement? Participation events but not a formal static group
6. Is there a single point of access for young people with a mental health concern? Please answer yes or no and elaborate if necessary.
Yes – the Initial Response Service run by Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust that will sign post to the specialist CAMHS team if needed.
7. Do you operate a ‘no wrong door’ approach? Please answer yes or no and elaborate if necessary.
Yes, we will move referrals between the appropriate services where possible.
8. Do young people have to be referred to access a mental health support service? Please answer yes or no and elaborate if necessary.
Yes – although this can be self referral. The MHST offer in schools operates a whole school approach as well as targeted intervention.
9. Are there specific services or approaches to ensure under-served groups of young people can access support e.g. young people from minority ethnic / racialised backgrounds, LGBTQ+ young people, etc.? Please answer yes or no and elaborate if necessary.
No, although some of our parenting groups are delivered multi-lingually.