I was wondering if you could please tell me how your Trust plans to enforce the new smoking ban on hospital grounds once it takes effect in April?
East Lancashire Hospital NHS Trust have been a Smokefree site for the a number of years, currently we do not allow the use of E-cigarettes on site as part of our policy and this is in line with the local council’s policy around E – Cigarettes.
The Trust implemented the NICE guidance (PH48) which was issued in 2007. This guidance advised that all Hospital sites should become Smokefree, this included not allowing smoking anywhere on site including car parks and that any smoking shelters be taken down and signage be displayed across the site to advise people of the smokefree site.
The Trust has a specialist service that works on the wards and with staff to support anyone that smokes , as part of this the team do daily walks of site to advise people of the smokefree policy and to ask them to support this. All staff at the Trust are encouraged to remind people of the smokefree site and are offered training and literature such as smokefree cards / leaflets that they can give to people to advise them of the trust policy. There is signage across the sites and also voice tannoys at main entrances that advise people of the smokefree site.
Secondly for those caught disobeying the ban, if they are to be fined as a result, how much exactly would they have to pay out?
There is currently no national legislation that allows hospitals sites to issue fines for smoking on site.
Thirdly, does your trust currently offer any on-site smoking cessation methods to encourage people to quit or seek an alternative to traditional cigarettes (such as e-cigarettes)? Would these also have to be purchased or would they be distributed free of charge?
As above the Trust has a team of specialist advisors that work on the wards and with staff to support anyone that would like to stop smoking or anyone who requires medication to help them remain smokefree during their admission , Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is available and a full range of products are available at the hospital, NRT is prescribed to patients during their stay as this is part of their care, E-cigarettes are not available in the hospital as they are not a licensed medicine. Staff are also supported and prescribed NRT which is done using a Voucher system that staff can then get dispensed at a Local pharmacy at the national prescription cost.
E-Cigarettes are not prescribed as they are not a licensed medicine. If someone would like to stop smoking using an E- cigarette and have tried all other options they would be advised to go to a local Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) approved store.