The Trust does not measure all suspected sepsis patients receiving antibiotics within one hour and this information is not recorded within the Patient Administration System. We are therefore unable to provide the requested information for Q1-4.
Please be advised that current NICE guidance advises that only patients with ‘High risk’ sepsis require antibiotics within 1 hour – this is reflected within our Local Care Bundle and Trust guidance on Management of Sepsis. At East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, we use the following measure to monitor that ‘High risk’ sepsis patient are receiving antibiotics within 1 hour.
Local Care Bundle Measurement– looks at 50 patients per month – data is collected prospectively on our assessment units looking at patients with ‘suspected’ sepsis, During 2018 the percentage of patients with ‘suspected High risk’ sepsis receiving antibiotics within 1 hour was 86.5%. During 2019 the percentage was 81.05%. This figure is based only on the 50 patients reviewed.
Previously, the National CQUIN provided a quarterly measure of emergency admission and inpatients (50 of each per Month). Data collection was retrospective using ICD10 discharge coding for a clinical diagnosis of Sepsis – during 2018 the percentage of patients diagnosed with high risk sepsis receiving Abx within 1 hour was 95.17%. The National CQUIN on Sepsis ceased in the financial year 2019/2020 to focus on other areas.