The information needed to cover from the FY 2016-17, 2017-18
1. How many beds and wards in the hospital?
A) Across the Trust, in 2016/17 there were 47 inpatient wards and 1048 beds. In 2017/18 there were 50 Inpatient wards and 1056 beds.
2. Number of ward closure days reported due to infection outbreak
A) In 2016/17 there were 91 bed loss days, in 2017/18 there were 27 bed loss days.
3. Number of days, when the elective surgery was cancelled due to non-availability of bed.
A) In 2016/17 there were 78 days, in 2017/18 there were 45 days where the elective surgery was cancelled due to non-availability of bed.
4. Total number of health care acquired infections reported
A) In 2016/17, 131 cases were reported. In 2017/18, 137 cases were reported.
5. What is the trust status on implementation of scheme- GE3 Hand hygiene technology issued by NHS England in 2016?
A) This has not yet been implemented at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust.
6. The published research has demonstrated significant reduction in HCAI on implementing such technology. If this CQUIN is not implemented yet, would the trust consider implementing this?
(a) YES (b) NO (please tick)
7. What are the trust current budget/ capital expenditure in resource provision for?
Hand hygiene training and audits
A) No specific budget, performed by team in-house
Hand hygiene monitoring system, if any:
A) No hand hygiene monitoring system
Supplies of hand wash/ hand rub solutions and other related equipment and managed service contracts per year.
A) We are unable to distinguish between cleaning products specifically for hand hygiene and other cleaning consumables. We are therefore unable to provide a figure for this question.
Total number of hand wash basins and hand rub points.
A) This information is not recorded centrally and would take longer than 18 hours to compile. In this instance we rely on the exemption given under Section 12 of the Act as this would take longer than 18 hours to complete. Accordingly, we are unable to provide the information for this question.