This tertiary surgical unit has four consultants. The department is actively engaged in research, audit and education.
This unit:
- Undertakes resections and reconstructions for complex malignant diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tree.
- Surgery is offered for the many benign diseases of the HPB, including the management of bile duct injuries. This includes advanced laparoscopic surgery for the liver, pancreas and bile duct.
- This complex surgery is supported by an Extended Recovery Programme.
- Liver tumours can be treated by Trans-arterial chemo-embolism (TACE).
Educationally, the unit runs courses in basic surgical skills, laparoscopic core skills and laparoscopic suturing. The programme director for the regional core surgical trainees is Miss Kausar.
Clinical Director:
- Mr L Jones
Head of department:
- Mr D Chang
- Mr D Subar
- Mr C Harris
- Miss A Kausar
- Mr D Chang
National Enhanced Peri-operative Care for High risk patients (EPOCH) study: ELHT has a long collaboration with the Intensive care unit and the HPB unit. The pre-operative and peri-operative management and maximisation of health and stabilisation of the co-morbidies of complex patients has been developed to minimise potential preventable surgical and medical complications.
Outcomes after kidney injury in Surgery (OAKS) study: This is a national audit to diagnose and limit kidney injury in major HPB surgery. Liverprime: a study to investigate the effects of drugs to help maintain liver function as an adjunct in the management of liver disorders. Members of the consultant team have been awarded Doctorates for their research.
Access individual Consultant research in web sites below
- East Lancashire hospitals NHS
- Pubmed
- Google scholar
Researchgate (main authors):
Miss A Kauser RG 24.95
Mr D Subar RG 13.14
Mr D Chang RG 7.2